It’s the most wonderful time of the year! However, sometimes we get so caught in getting ready for Christmas that we actually miss Christmas. I for one do not want to miss the wonder of Christmas; so, I’m committing to be as present as possible.

1. Drive slowly (or walk if you can)

“For thousands of years the pace of life was 3 miles an hour.” John Eldridge

The busyness and the rush to get things organised and to places on time defeats the purpose of the thing you are rushing towards. Slow down. Breathe. The way you enter a room determines how you feel in that room. Choose to enter slowly this year.

2. Turn your phone off

Scrolling through instagram to see others more aesthetic Christmas trees, better gifts, and pinterest perfect meals won’t help you be present. Social media will not make you social. Throw the phone away for the day and find beauty in what’s right in front of you. If you want to take some photo’s with your phone – go into aeroplane mode and turn the wifi off.

3. Think of some great questions to ask

A well asked question can pull you into the presence of a moment.  Here’s some ideas to get you started.
“What was your favourite moment from this year?”
“What Christmas tradition would you love to start?”
“What is one thing you would love to do before Christmas next year?”

4. Don’t sweat the small stuff

Some things will go wrong. You will overcook something, be offended by someone, or talk about Trump. They are all mistakes (yes, talking about Trump is a mistake. There, I said it). Don’t let the mistakes overtake the moment. See the big picture and be grateful for the gift of life that you have.

5. Eat slowly

If you’re anything like me, you can easily view Christmas lunch as a mountain to conquer. It’s not a game to win, it’s a feast to be enjoyed! Eat slowly, savour every bite, and laugh loudly.

6. Take time to remember the story

God is with us. God became man. Divinity in flesh. Get wrapped up in the cosmic story this Christmas. Take some time to read John 1:18 or Luke Chapter 2 & 3.

Merry Christmas!